
martinStoev.de - Software Development, Leadership, and other Musings

I Recovered an Old Article thanks to Archive.org


Yesterday, I was looking at my Nginx logs and saw that someone tried to access an old article of mine. I published an “Introduction to QR Codes” (in German) for my university back in 2011.

The article was lost due to my server moving to Netcup and me not...

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Hire or Develop Talent

Recently, I had a discussion with a collegue about weather to hire or develop talent in a startup. There are interesting points on both sides but I think some factors are more important than others.

For the sake of this article, I’ll assume you have a good business idea and...

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Integrating Marked 2 with Emacs


I write my blog in Markdown. While there are good other alternatives, like CommonMark, I like to stick to the original. Most of the time there is no difference either way. This post works for both.

John Gruber made the format easily editable in an editor on purpose....

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Cd to Git root directory

Sometimes you are very deep in your project structure (e.g. ~/code/private/some_app/spec/lib/some_module/come_class_spec.rb) and need to jump to the project root. There is no easy way to do that out of the box. Either you change to a relative path like cd ~/code/private/some_app or you need to move...

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